About CASA
The Sioux Falls Area CASA Program is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1994- when Circuit Judge Gene Paul Kean asked the local Junior League of Sioux Falls to begin a program.
The first volunteer advocates were trained and sworn in by the court in early 1995. Since this time, more than 4,600 abused and neglected children in 2,445 families have had an advocate build connections becoming a voice for them in Court.
Over the course of a year, nearly 500 children are assigned to the CASA program as a result of their involvement with the court system through no fault of their own. These children reside Minnehaha and Lincoln counties of South Dakota. Over the last few years, these numbers have continued to increase with our families struggling with substance abuse, mental health, poverty, and frequently lacking a solid support system or family structure they can turn to for help.
CASA programs are about reunification. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that every child who needs a CASA can have one – 100% coverage with no children on a wait list. While we continue to recruit and train new advocates every quarter, we still are only able to serve less than half of those in need. Please consider becoming an advocate today!
The Sioux Falls Area CASA Program has 80 active volunteers and 10 staff dedicated to making a powerful impact in the lives of abused and neglected children.
Additionally, there are five other CASA programs in South Dakota (and two in the works!), a State CASA organization, and the National CASA/GAL Association to which Sioux Falls CASA is a member.
For information on how to contact them, or the State CASA Association, see the information listed below.

- First Circuit CASA Program in Mitchell, SD MitchellCASA.org
- Southeast Circuit CASA Program in Yanton, SD SoutheastCASA.org
- East Central Program in Brookings, SD EastCentralCASA.com
- Northern Hills CASA Program in Spearfish, SD NHCASA.com
- Seventh Circuit CASA Program in Rapid City, SD CASAofRapidCity.org
- South Dakota State CASA Association SDCASA.org
- National CASA/GAL Association for Children NationalCASAGAL.org