How You Can Make a Difference During Child Abuse Prevention Month
April 4, 2023

April marks Child Abuse Prevention Month
Sioux Falls Area Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) know that every child deserves to live in a safe and loving household. Yet, for hundreds of kids in the Sioux Falls area, abuse and neglect are their reality.
Recent statistics underscored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic with South Dakota seeing a rise in abuse and neglect cases. According to the Child Welfare League of America, there were 1,570 child victims of abuse or neglect in 2022, which is a 26% increase over 2016.
Yes, those numbers are alarming but keep reading, there’s something we can do together to help children in the Sioux Falls area.
Throughout the month of April, which is Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month, we call on our neighbors, friends and family members to stand together to combat child maltreatment in all its forms. Whether you donate, volunteer, or help raise awareness on social media – our community is strengthened by collective determination. Together, we can advocate to prevent and address child maltreatment ensuring every child can thrive in a safe and stable home environment.
Today, there are 147 kids waiting for a CASA volunteer advocate in Sioux Falls with 272 currently assigned to our office. Volunteer advocates play a key role in keeping a watchful eye over children and fight for their best interest. Are you ready to put your advocacy into action as a volunteer for Sioux Falls CASA?
To become an official CASA volunteer advocate, email info@siouxfallscasa.org or learn more at siouxfallscasa.org/volunteer today.
We are excited to hear from you and look forward to having you get started on your volunteer journey!
With gratitude,
The Sioux Falls CASA Team